Architect Focused Webinars +
Architectural Perspective of Chilled Beams in Healthcare
October 2015 – A variety of chilled beam solutions are available for many different healthcare applications. Chilled beams in healthcare can reduce system horsepower by up to 40 percent, with minimum air changes satisfied through induction. This webinar discusses the market acceptance of chilled beams in healthcare, classifies common design considerations for appropriate spaces, and reviews real-life application of chilled beams through our case studies.
Chilled Beams Come of Age
April 2015 | PTP 7022: One alternative technology to an all-air system that is gaining traction is the active chilled beam. The active chilled beam incorporates the distribution of ventilation air and uses room air induced across a water coil to transfer sensible thermal energy for both heating and cooling to the occupied space. This webinar discusses the market place acceptance of chilled beams, common questions and concerns as well as, presents several case studies.
Artful Air Distribution: Balancing Form & Function
December 2014 | PTP 1016: This one-hour webinar will challenge your preconceptions as we explore spaces that balance form and function in creative and bold ways. We will look at shapes, colors, and design opportunities for air distribution, as well as a number of different technologies that are distinguished by their design flexibility and the way they can be integrated into the environment.
Engineer Focused Webinars +
Future of HVAC Design - Are We Ready?
February 2024 | PTP 0791: HVAC Systems have seen many changes over the last decade. This includes energy reduction goals, calls for decarbonization, reduction in fossil fuel use, embodied carbon, and net zero stretch goals. This presentation explores the key drivers, benefits of lower compressor lift, and the role systems like Chilled Beams, Radiant Panels, Displacement & Underfloor Air can play in alleviating these challenges.
Chilled Beams for Laboratories
August 2023 | PTP 7125: The demand for life science and technology buildings is steadily growing and so has the need to reduce energy usage and decarbonize. One key element with labs is higher air change requirements, making ventilation air and reheat as the two predominant sources of energy usage. This presentation will review chilled beam systems and the potential with reduction in air change rates and required reheat.
Chilled Beams in Healthcare
April 2022 | PTP 7124
This presentation will discuss how chilled beam systems can reduce operating costs, save on first costs, and be combined with other ceiling utilities such as lighting to reduce congestion in the ceiling grid.
Chilled Beam Systems and Control Strategies
August 2021 | PTP 7800: The real design begins AFTER the HVAC system type is decided. This webinar will explore the many scenarios that can arise once a Chilled Beam project reaches the design phase. Discussion topics will include controls strategies, piping layout pros and cons, airflow strategies and more.
Energy Code Trends & Decoupled Sensible Cooling Systems
September 2020 | PTP 700: Energy consumed to condition occupied spaces has lately been an item of focus. This webinar discusses some of the recent energy standard & code trends (ASHRAE 90.1, Washington State Energy Code, NYC LL97) and their implication on how we design HVAC systems. Decoupled sensible cooling systems, their application, and impact of energy efficiency will also be discussed in detail.
Designing with Chilled Beams – An Innovative Approach
September 2018 | PTP 7016: The function and benefits of Chilled Beams are becoming well known. However, the supporting mechanical system can leave the designer with questions. This webinar will review the supporting system from the Air Handler to the Hydronic System that will optimize the Chilled Beam operation.
A Fresh Approach to Conditioning Schools
November 2018 | PTP 6011: Whether it is an update to an existing building or constructing a new school, officials face a variety of challenges. They can include first costs, occupant safety, and comfort along with long-term energy costs. This webinar will assist in maximizing these investments while helping the schools run efficiently.
Beams Commissioning from the Lab to the Job Site
November 2017 | PTP 7026: This presentation will discuss how ASHRAE Standard 200 guides lab measurements to develop the Active Beam airflow pressure curves and how it is utilized in the TABs process in the field.
Optimizing Active and Passive Beams
October 2016 | PTP 7008: This webinar covers the design variables of a chilled beam system and how best to tune design parameters in order to achieve an efficient chilled beam system.
Selecting Air Distribution in Tall and Wide Spaces
June 2016 | PTP 1008: Selecting air distribution in tall and wide spaces can be challenging due to several factors including the thermal load and the interior aesthetic. This presentation will discuss how to properly select the air distribution device type and location.
The Impact of Hybrid Ventilation Systems on Energy Consumption
August 2015 | PTP 8002: This presentation discusses the opportunities and options to consider when selecting hybrid air distribution. The webinar provides examples of a variety of air delivery and cooling system options that satisfy aesthetic constraints without compromising energy efficiency. Explains how HVAC fits into the 14 patterns of Biophilic Design.
Applications of Active and Passive Beams
June 2014 | PTP 7000: We are increasingly seeing beams applied in educational facilities, office environments and even healthcare settings such as patient rooms. Learn about opportunities for the application of beams and discuss real world examples.
Fundamentals of Active and Passive Chilled Beams
April 2014 | PTP 7001: This webinar outlines the benefits and challenges of hydronic systems, humidity control, and provides an overview of the different applications in which active and passive chilled beams are used. Further discussed are the products available and the selection process given the desired application. Finally a handful of case studies are reviewed.
Retrofit Opportunities with Active and Passive Beams
January 2014 | PTP 7015: Topics covered in this webinar include the retrofit market and trends, an overview of the technologies used in retrofit (with a focus on beams), and three retrofit case studies are explored.
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Our webinars provide the content that matters to engineers and architects, packaging it in a way that they can effectively leverage in the market. PDH Credits available.