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DR90H Horizontal Series displacement diffusers are designed to produce a low turbulence, low velocity air supply from a high level supply. Designed for ceiling installation, the DR90H discharges air evenly across its perforated face with minimal induction of room air. The cool supply air flows down from the ceiling to the floor level and gradually fills the space. As a ceiling mounted diffuser, the DR90H offers the traditional air quality and comfort benefits of displacement ventilation while freeing up valuable floor space and reducing ducting. The DR90H is suitable for offices, classrooms, changerooms, kitchens, hallways, or any application with limited floor space where air quality demands are high.

  • Rail-mounting system with no visible fasteners
  • Factory inlet locations available on top, rear, and sides of unit
  • Optional end connections for linear installations of units
  • Optional field cut inlets
  • Ships with protective film on face and inlet

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