Selecting Air Outlets for Overhead Mixed Air Distribution Systems
December 2023 | PTP 1017: Overhead mixed air distribution systems are the most common HVAC systems in commercial buildings, but with a desire to achieve net zero, it is increasingly more challenging to achieve thermal comfort and acceptable indoor air quality. This webinar discusses the fundamentals of overhead mixed air distribution and the challenges of selecting air outlets to effectively ventilate and condition interior and perimeter zones in commercial builds.
Architectural Integration of Air Distribution Outlets
November 2022 | PTP 1019: This webinar explores solutions for integrating overhead mixed air distribution into highly architectural spaces by incorporating and accentuating architectural features with air distribution outlets.
Price Engineer Toolkit for Excel
October 2021: Learn how you can enhance Microsoft® Excel® based schedules with new functions that deliver auto-sizing and accurate performance data. Currently available for our Terminal Units, Water Coils and GRD products.
Mixed Air Distribution Performance & Selection 101
March 2020 | PTP 1020: This webinar explores proper diffuser selections to meet different application conditions and project necessities. Various considerations including application, budget, and client requirements are reviewed for several common spaces.
Selecting Air Distribution in Tall and Wide Spaces
June 2016 | PTP 1008: Selecting air distribution in tall and wide spaces can be challenging due to several factors including the thermal load and the interior aesthetic. This presentation will discuss how to properly select the air distribution device type and location.